Krd allow to configure a new RDP connection or modify an
existant one with:
the Edit button on the toolbar or in the
Edit menu in the Main form of krd
the New RDP
Connection button of the toolbar or in the Edit menu
Creating a new RDP connection
The form to create a new RDP connection is constituted of different tabs,
each one containing properties about one connection aspect (i.e. in the tab
Remote application you find all the properties involved in configuring
the connection to use a remote application as shell for the
If you let the mouse pointer over an option for a few seconds will appear
the tooltip explaining the option.
General tab
Here you configure basic properties for the connection. If you use a name
already used krd will ask you if you want to override the existant connection
or change the choosen name. Server is the server ip or
domain name to connect to; username, password and domain are credentials to use.
Il you flag save password check box your password will be saved in kwallet so
you haven't to type it every connection start. You can choose a
folder under which to save le configured connection. If you want to
create a new folder simply write the name in the combo box.
The general tab.
Attach to console permit you to emulate console connection when using RDP 5.
You can choose the keyboard layout to use with a combo box, then give a title to
the connection window. With Hostname field you can change the hostname
that RDP server will see like your hostname (even if with rdesktop 1.4.1
has some triky way of doing).
Graphics tab
Set here if you want fullscreen or not, the size of your rdesktop window,
the color depth and some properties influencing graphic quality level.
The graphics tab.
Remote application tab
If you want to use one single application with the rdesktop connection, you
can set here the application path and the initial working dir. Flagging Do
not override windows manager key bindings checkbox the special key
shortcuts are sent to your windows manager; if not flagged shortcuts are send to
remote application. If you want that clicking on minimize icon on the remote
application title bar the rdesktop window is minimized instead of the remote
application window, flag Enable single application mode checkbox. You
can at least disable sending mouse motion to remote application and sincronize
numlock (even if it could be tricky with some windows manager.
The remote application tab.
Printers tab
In the left list are prompted the system printers. If you want to use one or
more printers with the RDP session simply select it and press the right arrow.
Printers on the right list are those to be shared in this connection. To remove
a printer from shared printers simply select it in the right list and press left
The printer tab.
Local paths tab
Insert a name less than 8 charactes and a valid directory to see it like a
local resource in the remote session Explore resources. To remove a
shared path simply select it in the list and press Delete selected
The shares tab.
Com ports tab
Insert a name less than 8 charactes and a valid serial device file to use it
like a comport in the remote session applications. To remove a shared comport
simply select it in the list and press Delete selected button.
The com ports tab.
Sound tab
Choose with the radio button if you want to send the sound produced by remote
applications to remote server speaker, local speaker or doesn't use sound at
The sound tab.
Advanced tab
Here you can decide to execute a program (or script) before the start of
the connection or at the end of it. If the flag Start preinit
script async is flagged, the connection
is started after Preinit delay in seconds from the start of preinit
script (independently of preinit script end). If the flag Start
preinit script async isn't flagged, the connection is started after the
end of the preinit script. The postend script functions similarly.
You can also configure krd to start an ssh session before launching the
connection. Krd create a tunner from localport to
remote host : remote port. Then launch the connection throw this
tunnel. In the custom options you can insert options that you can't set
throw the form or you want to set manually.
The sound tab.
When you've finished setting the connection, click Ok button to
save or Cancel button to exit without saving.
Modifying a Connection
The settings are the same seen in the Creating a new connection
section. The only difference is that the properties are setted according to the
connection being modified. You can also change the name of a connection in this
way simply modifying it and changing it's connection name.